Podcast: Marc Greene, Commercial Director, In Kind Direct

Tackling hygiene poverty with brand partnerships

Marc Greene, Commercial Director at In Kind Direct, joins Ian Whittaker for an insightful discussion around the important role that marketing plays in the charity’s strategy and how they are tackling the issue of hygiene poverty by using the power of storytelling to build partnerships with the biggest brands. 

In Kind Direct is a UK charity focused on distributing consumer products that are donated by huge brands such as Unilever, to charitable organisations across the country, ensuring that everyone has access to the products they need to keep clean and well. Having previously managed large brands such as Kickers and Mitre, Marc transitioned to the charity sector in 2020 bringing with him a wealth of brand experience and knowledge.

Working with the JCDecaux Community Channel, In Kind Direct launched a UK wide Out-of-Home campaign, using the power of the public screen to boost awareness of their important work and raise awareness of increasing rates of hygiene poverty in the UK. 

Find out more about In Kind Direct here: https://www.inkinddirect.org/with-companies

Marc Greene, Commercial Director at In Kind Direct appearing on the Digital ChangemakersPodcast

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